Welcome to Nina's page

Name:- Nina (The Lavatory Cleaner) Marie Anne (like all good Catholic girls who have confirmation names) Lines Band Role:- Vocals and Femme Fatale extraordinaire (or:Token chick, whichever you prefer Date and Place of birth:- 25/03/1978 (oh what a little 'un i am) Sutton Coldfield
Likes:- Having my neck tickled (purr), Flirting with anything in trousers (or a skirt for that matter ladies)Fishcakes (random I know but i don't think fishcakes get a fair deal in this world)
Dislikes:- Peas -I think they are more evil than Andy's socks after he has worn them for 5 days in a row Favourite Bands:- Aerosmith, No Doubt, Tenacious D, Lenny Kravitz, Pink and any other DIVAS of the world, The Hollies(blame my Dad)and my newest addition to the pack - Cheaptrick (what can I say? Fave album:- er.....ours of course!!!!????? What kind of a dur question is that? Otherwise, Nina Lives by Aerosmith. |
Favourite Singers:- Steven Tyler and Jack Black (YUMMY!), Gwen Stefani and Pink (oooh! Such attitude - I hear you shiver with Antici....PATION)!!!
Food:- What about it? Oh, do you mean what I like - fishcakes as I said above!!!!!! Nah, seriously, I think as long as it is edible and does not involve peas, I'm in (although I am more of a greasy spoon girl than a fancy restaurant) Drinks:- When I feel like it. I am a ponsy girl though - spirits are my bag baby. Am the type who will either be a popaholic or will get bladdered (and apologies to all fellow band mates for being so disgustingly obscene the last time this happened |
Fave film:- Easy - High fidelity - no contest! Favourite Director:-Martin Scorsese colour:- Oh, red,black,pink,yellow - what can I say, my favourite colour changes with my mood!
Ambitions:- To take over the world and reign supreme Queen of all the lands Saying:- "I won't hurt you...much" / 'Cool beans" / generally anything said in a whining voice! Dream date:- April the 58th.......hee hee........A person consisting of all the best bits of my fellow band members...not.........the obvious (see above)
Fave comedian:- Nick Long (you probably won't have heard of him - he did the 'I'm the only gay eskimo' sketch. Ring any bells? Thought not. Person from history you would most like to meet:- Elizabeth 1st - was she REALLY that ugly? Favourite book:-The Wasp Factory by Ian Banks Favourite Author:- Ian Banks (not his sci-fi works though) TV Show:- Got to be anything cheesy. I love Alan Partridge and The Osbournes (obvious I know). The 1 thing you cant do without:- my mouth (well I would die of hunger and dehydration wouldn't I)?
Favourite Place:- Rayleigh Beach- Tailand
Favourite sport:- Netball, but only for the short skirts Biggest buzz:-From the bumble bee in my back garden What do you feel you bring to the band:- A Fanny |
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